Personal Stats

  • Quote of the Week: "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Wanting to participate in a marathon is one thing. However, preparing/training for 18 - 25 weeks is commitment. So this is why I am creating this blog; not only to keep track of my progress but to also make runners who have never tried a half marathon or marathon aware that it is a possibility.

My running background:

To me there are 3 types of runner goals: 1)stress relieving 2) losing weight 3) to prove something. I am all three. Running is me time to tune everything out. It makes me feel good at the end of the day (I usually run in the evening). It also makes me have a challenge in my day/week.

Though I don't have children, I feel the stressors in my life: grad school, buying a house, and a newlywed. Anytime that I wanted to get way from all three things (although I love my husband), I run. In 2010, my husband and I got a yellow lab. He consistantly reminds me of exercise. Not only does he need it on a daily basis, so do I. So I started running with my lab. Knowing labs, they have ADD and are food driven most of the time. I would carry a pouch of treats and have them along side me whenver a distration came about - another dog, a bird, runner. It worked wonders. Now at 1yr and a half, he is at my pace but can't always take the Washington, DC humidity.

I have been running since college on my own. I never joined any running clubs or sports because I had always like the noncompetitive side to it. On average I run approximately 3.5 miles at a 8:45 pace. It needs improvement but I know I can get there. I had participated in two 5Ks last year and loved it.
What I expect in my first marathon:

I expect to finish. If I don't think I can even finish, then I might as well not even train. To me finishing anything is 90% mental.

My plan:

1) Equiptment.
I just bought a pair of Brooks running shoes. I realized I needed running shoes when I consistently got shin splints on only running 2 miles. I knew I was capable of running but I figured it was my shoes - I was right. I visited a local store VA Runners and the consultant there was very helpful in selecting a shoe. He saw my stride and noticed that I ran heal to toe. My 2009 Pumas were just not cutting it anymore so I splurged and spent about $120 on the Brooks shoes.

2) Running Frequency.
This might change througout my blog, but I plan on running for about 3 -5 days per week at the beginning. I am currently on's site reviewing their beginner marathon training programs. Currently, I run about 3 times per week.

3) Mileage/Cross Training
Of course I can't stay at 3.5 miles everytime I run. I plan on starting out around 3.5 then ending the first week with 5 miles. The goal isnt about time - I really care if it takes me more than an hour to complete 5 miles. The goal is to reach 5 miles, then 10, then 15...
I am in a comfort zone with just running. I would love to do other things: laps in a pool, bike, yoga, zumba etc.

* To mix it up, I plan on participating in 1 or 2 5Ks and a half marathon by September

Post #1:

Tonight I ran 3 miles under 30 mins (w/o dog)
5 reps of stairs (30 stairs on each side)
25 reps of free weights (bis and tris)

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