Personal Stats

  • Quote of the Week: "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare."

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Definately much better today. Ran 4 miles, but an easy 4 with the dog.
I am preparing for the Autism Speaks 5K on July 4th. What I remember from doing it last year was that it was pretty flat with some grades of hills towards the end. I am hoping to improve my time from 8:25 from last year. Running with a group of people definately motivates me to run faster than the person in front of me. Supposed to rain most of the day tomorrow, but we'll see if its going to be an outside run or a treadmill run.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Not a very productive day with running. I decided to try out the track by myself and started with a half mile walk then ran for a mile and a half then severe stomach cramps. I tried stretching while running, then when that didnt work, I ended walking it out for another half mile. So all in all, I walked/ran 2 1/2 miles.

Tomorrow's goal - 4 miles

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Loving this low humidy in DC! Its definately making my runs much easier. I ran 4 miles (w/ dog) and warmed up with 1/2 a mile.

I have noticed my diet being much healthier. By sqeezing in workouts, I am not tempted to sit in front of the tv and be a couch potato or sit (more) on the computer; I sit enough at work.
What also helps me be always mindful and concious is reading articles from or about health and medical studies, etc. I also use the runtastic app and the app while I am on the go when I am not driving.

Monday, June 13, 2011

6/11/11 & 6/12/11

Saturday 6/11:
Ran in the morning with low humidity at the start, however became much more hot and humid by 9am
Ran 4 miles w/ dog on trails (reached my end of week goal)
Walked 1 mile

Ran in the evening with low humidty. I came to the conclusion that I like to run in the evening much better because it tends to cool down as the evening goes on.

Ran 3 miles w/ dog
Walked 1 mile

Recap for the week 6/6/11 - 6/12/11
Total milage: 15 miles

  • Monday -3

  • Tuesday - 3

  • Wednesday - 2

  • Thursday - Off

  • Friday - Off

  • Saturday - 4
    Sunday - 3

    Overall, I felt pretty good about my first week running. My goal for next week is to reach 5 miles and include some more weight training on my off days. One thing that really helped me out this week was using my andriod phone app runtastic. I've tried a couple of run apps that was basically a gps device that tracked distance and calories. This app goes into a little bit more detail on how your run went - hot, sunny, rainy, feeling while running, injuries etc. I really do like this because it tracks history so you're never second guessing yourself on how many calories burned or distance ran.